LY Dress Factory Visit in Guangzhou
We visit a garment dress factory today. Its name is LY Garment Factory located in Guangzhou city and has 35 workers.
These are the records of the factory tour we’ve done. We will show you a tour of different factories or markets. Follow our articles closely to get the information you want.
We visit a garment dress factory today. Its name is LY Garment Factory located in Guangzhou city and has 35 workers.
I visited several E-bike factories on behalf of a customer last month, as I have the factory audit service.
The story tell us a truth, when you source products or suppliers online, don’t be fooled by the beautiful pictures and prices only.
The factory is a small-scale factory, basically considered a family workshop.
All of his suppliers are located in Shenzhen before, but this time he comes to Guangzhou for new suppliers.