A Visit to Umbrella Factory
The factory is a small-scale factory, basically considered a family workshop.
The factory is a small-scale factory, basically considered a family workshop.
All of his suppliers are located in Shenzhen before, but this time he comes to Guangzhou for new suppliers.
In the past, it was very easy for foreigners to open a bank account in China. Now It has become increasingly difficult for foreigners to open bank accounts in China.
More and more buyers are hoping to get a better price from their suppliers, so they insist on the lowest price in the procurement negotiations.
We Often heard many factories or suppliers complain that their customers have paid the deposit, in a few days they will cancel the order and want to return the deposit.
Personally, I prefer the target price to be the last step in a business negotiation. The price should be discussed after all the details are confirmed.
These scalpers are used to cater to the greed of people with a high exchange rate, and you will fall into their big hole if you want to make a small profit.
Swift code is the meaning of the bank’s international code, which like a person’s identity card, only one code for each one.